Yesterday was a wonderful day at Sioux Trail! I was able to greet all of the students that arrived by bus and there lots of bright white sneakers, new haircuts, big smiles and yes, a couple tears too. The first day of school was wonderful success and I look forward to a school year that continues down this same road of success.
We all met in the gym at 2pm for an all school "Welcome Back" assembly and one of the students told me "Mr. Akin, thank you for welcoming me back to school" - that told me we were doing the right thing.

I told students (a.k.a. the Panthers) that they only had two jobs to do this year:
* Be Here (except when you are sick)
* Do your B

I did let them know about AYP in a student friendly way and that we need to continue to work hard and highlight all of the many ways that Sioux Trail is great.
All of the Sioux Trail staff spoke to the students about success by taking students on a tour around the gym and introducing them to the words on the walls. These words are the traits of a successful Sioux Trail student. There are 10 words, they are:
Enthusiasm (demonstrated by Mrs. Boche and Mrs. Engdahl in the photo)

Persistence (demonstrated by Mr. Kleven and Mr. Khamratthanome - trying to make shot)

Staff members had terrific ways of sharing these words - and I posted photos of two examples.
We concluded our assembly by singing the Sioux Trail Rouser and Shadow was on hand to help with the symbols!

Emma had an excellent first day - she always loves singing the school song and was singing it on our bike ride home. I'm so glad that the students have the opportunity to emmulate and practice those 10 traits at school everyday. I know that you and the staff make it possible.
We are looking forward to a great year!
First thing I heard from Bear when he got off bus was...."I saw Shadow!"
Always a big hit!!
Looking forward to a successful year. Thanks for using this blog as another outlet to learn about what is going on at Sioux Trial. Thanks for your leadership.
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