Although it looks very quiet from the outside there are several things happening on the inside of Sioux Trail. A large amount of time is focused on getting ready from the 2008-09 school year, but there is also a lot of learning taking place.
The custodial crew has grown from two and a half team members to four members. With the remodeling taking place at other schools Sioux Trail is fortunate to have custodians temporarily assigned to work with Mr. Glende. Looking down the halls can be a little deceiving as there have been piles of furniture along the walls, but the main floor is a good example of what happens after the furniture is returned to the classroom and all of the cleaning is complete. The floors are gleaming, the windows are free of smudges and we're ready for staff and students to be back in school giving the custodians a daily cleaning challenge as they try to keep the school looking great!
In addition to Project Kids and Ready to Learn, Sioux Trail is also hosting two summer school programs. The Special Education Extended School Year program is using at least ten classrooms and has a great mix of students in school every morning. Just down the hall from my office several classrooms have teachers from the ISD 917 Deaf and Hard of Hearing program working with a variety of students. This program is also a morning program and there are no classes on Fridays for both groups.
My time has been focused on going through the files and binders in the office, reviewing MCA results, hiring new staff and reading to prepare for professional development work that we'll be doing during the school year. Our secretary, Mrs. Cenci, is not contracted to work through approximately half of the summer and this has forced me to be more self-sufficient, learning how things get done, where things are kept and lots of things that Mrs. Cenci can do in her sleep.
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