Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Good-bye Portable Classrooms

Room 109 and Room 110 at Sioux Trail have long been known as "the portables", but I've always gotten a chuckle out of this label as the classrooms haven't been portable for over 30 years. That changed earlier today when a backhoe arrived at Sioux Trail and began the demolition of the portable classrooms.

The portables were added in the 1970's because the school needed additional space.  The portable classrooms have been used as Kindergarten classrooms, a Senior Citizen center, a science classroom, storage space and their most recent use was two first grade classrooms.  In recent years, our enrollment has declined and the demand for space hasn't been as high. The physical condition of these classrooms had declined and it was not cost-effective to correct these physical issues.  Several years ago ISD 191 created a task force and evaluated the boundaries of the district and the space needs of each school.  Through the process used by this task force it was determined that the portable classrooms were no longer needed at Sioux Trail and several other sites.

I have included a couple photos of the process; starting with a photo from this morning when the equipment arrived.

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