Sioux Trail was home to a giant jugloo! A jugloo is an igloo shaped building made out of empty one gallon milk (or water) jugs. The jugloo was built as a collaborative effort between students, staff and volunteers. The project started in November with our student council and the collection of empty milk jugs. The goal was to collect 1500 empty jugs and in the end we had over 2200 containers.
Over the weekend of February 11 construction of the giant julgoo began and was mostly complete by Saturday night. Unfortunately
, the roof dropped on Saturday night and then the entire roof collapsed on Sunday night. On Monday some of the walls started falling in. With the help of several fifth and sixth graders the entire giant jugloo was disassembled by Monday evening. The giant jugloo was over 25 feet across at the base, took over 41 man hours to build, and used over 1600 plastic jugs. It also took 4 pizzas, 18 cans of Mountain Dew and I bottle of water.
On Tuesday morning Sioux Trail staff and student were greeted by a new medium sized jugloo. This one is set up on the stage and will be up as a reading station during I Love to Read month (February).This jugloo is featured in the brief video with the choreographed lights and holiday music. The lights and music were set up for effect, but do not remain in the jugloo when students are reading in it.
Martha Glende is responsible for the idea and Mark Glende gets credit for a large portion of the engineering and construction. If you like this wonderful creation please send thanks their way!
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