From the start of Pennies for Patients drive on January 26 the collections were off to a good start. Mrs. Enberg and Mr. Kleven are the student council advisors and they worked with the students to set up several themes and events to help make the collection visible and exciting. Each day of the week has a demonination associated with it and students are encourage to bring in coins on these days. Of course the drive isn't limited to pennies and any demonination is welcome.
Monday - Pennies
Tuesday - Nickels
Wednesday - Dimes
Thursday - Quarters
Friday - Dollar bills
Another new feature to the Pennies for Patients drive is in the photo above. On the last day of the drive, February 12, a special guest will visit the school to bring a gift to every student. The photo shows the puzzle in the window of the media center. For each $100 that is donated a puzzle piece and clue related to our special guest goes up in the window. At the the end of day on Friday there were 9 puzzle pieces up along with 9 clues. When a student makes a donation (of any amount) they may also submit a guess as to who the special guest is. Five winners will be drawn and they will receive a one time use "no homework" pass.
There was great energy in the atmosphere at the end of the day on Friday - we are only one week into the three week drive and we're $100 shy of the $1000 goal! Watch for trivia questions about the penny during the first week of February.
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